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XLR8 resembles a semi-armored Velociraptor. He has black orbs on his feet, a black tail with five blue stripes, and bulky claws on his three fingers that can only open and close. He wears a black cone-like helmet with a protective visor that slides over his face (that is part of his Kineceleran biology and not mechanical).[pop-up 1][1] When the visor is lifted, one can see his blue face, green eyes, black lips, and stripes running under and in between his eyes; the rest of his head's features are unknown. XLR8 wears a black bodysuit and turtleneck-like shirt with a white stripe on the center.


WILDMUTTWildmutt appears to be a large orange dog-like creature with no eyes, ears, nose, or tail. He stands on all fours and his movements are somewhat apelike. His teeth are very defined and his bottom jaw sticks out of his mouth. The various spines found all across his body function similarly to whiskers with tactile sensing, and are not fur.[DJ 1] Since Wildmutt has no eyes, he uses his sense of smell and hearing to navigate, which are aided by three gill-like nostrils located on each side of his neck.


FOURARMSFour Arms is a humanoid alien that is approximately twelve feet tall, has well developed muscles, two pairs of arms with four-fingered hands, and red skin. A black stripe goes from his chin to his lower lip, and he has four eyes: a main pair, and a smaller pair below them. Four Arms wears a white T-shirt with a black line going down it, black pants, and gloves. His eyes are green and he has no hair. Four Arms wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

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